A news story from Japan, where a gaping hole has appeared in a road, swallowing a truck and its driver:
Just after the sinkhole appeared in Yashio City, just northeast of Tokyo, on Tuesday morning a 3-ton truck fell into it. At first the sinkhole was roughly 10 meters (33 feet) wide and 5-meters (16-feet) deep, but it has since grown to twice that size.
The Japan Times reports:
The biggest challenge for the operation, now in its seventh day, is that the sinkhole continues to expand, complicating the rescue efforts…
And from AFP:
Koichi Yamamoto, an official with Yashio's fire department, told AFP on Tuesday that rescue efforts had been suspended.
A "substantial" amount of sewage water has accumulated at the site, eroding the surrounding soil and "constantly flowing in like a river", he said.
"This makes it impossible for us to proceed."
Also "hampering our rescue operation is a pile-up of heavy masses such as debris, slabs of asphalt and concrete that need removing", Yamamoto added.
A hole that continues to expand, sewage and debris getting in the way.
Another image from Japan, taken this morning. In a neighbourhood park in Tokyo, it is possible to see Mt Fuji, but only from one particular spot. Human constructions get in the way, mostly concealing and hiding the great mountain. Yet if one looks, finds the right angle, on a clear day it can still be seen.
Fuji remains, towering over the landscape, whether observed or not.
Yukio Mishima, ‘Voices of the Fallen Heroes’:
The thing is to look. Simply to look, with dagger-like intensity.